- Data Controller.
The data provided and processed are the responsibility of the following companies that make up the brand POMPEU:
- MÁLAGA LUXURY DE CORTINA DEL MUELLE, S.L., tax identification code B93744555 and domiciled at Cortina del Muelle Street, number 5, staircase 1, first floor, door 1, 29001 - Málaga.
- CARMEN FIRST LINES, S.L., tax identification code B99454050 and domiciled at Via Augusta, nº 223, 1ª, 08021- Barcelona.
- ZENIT PLANET, S.L., tax identification code B67009456 and domiciled at Via Augusta, nº 223, 1ª, 08021- Barcelona.
You can contact us through:
- Address:
- Customer service e-mail: [email protected]
Likewise, you can contact our Data Protection Officer through the e-mail address: [email protected]
- Personal data processed, purpose and legal basis.
Name and surname, e-mail, gender and nationality. |
Subscribe to our newsletter |
Article 6.1, a) GDPR: Consent, given at the time of completing the form. |
Name, e-mail, telephone number and data included in the message (open text). |
To contact us |
Article 6.1, a) GDPR: Consent, given at the time of completing the form. |
First and last name, e-mail, password, telephone number, address, postal code. |
User registration |
Article 6.1, a) GDPR: Consent, given at the time of completing the form. |
First and last name, postal address, e-mail, telephone number, credit card details, bank account details.
Processing your online order |
Article 6.1, b) GDPR: the data is necessary for the execution of the contract (sale and purchase). |
First and last name, telephone number and/or e-mail address. |
Booking in store |
Article 6.1, a) RGPD: Consent, given at the time of completing the form. |
First and last name, telephone number and/or e-mail and order number. |
Track your order |
Article 6.1, b) RGPD: the data are necessary for the execution of the contract (sale and purchase). |
- Period of conservation of personal data
POMPEU will keep the data provided for the execution of the contract for the duration of the same. Subsequently, by legal obligation, we will keep them blocked, only accessible by authorized personnel, in case they are required by the competent Public Authorities for a maximum period of 6 years. Once this period has elapsed, they will be deleted.
POMPEU will keep the data provided by consent, as long as it is not withdrawn or as long as the regulations do not provide for a specific retention period.
- Data recipients.
POMPEU will transfer the personal data that are necessary (name and surname, postal address, email and telephone number) for the processing of online orders, the shipment is made through UPS, DHL and NACEX, parcel companies.
POMPEU will not make any other transfer of personal data, except those legally established or those required by the competent Public Authorities in each case.
Likewise, POMPEU has the collaboration of third party service providers (Data Processors/Sub-processors) who have access to your personal data and who process the aforementioned data in the name and on behalf of POMPEU as a consequence of their provision of services.
- International data transfers.
Some of POMPEU's recipients may be located outside the European Economic Area and sometimes in territories that do not provide a level of data protection comparable to that of the European Union, such as the United States (Mailchimp).
In such cases, POMPEU carries out these international data transfers with appropriate guarantees. In this way, the suppliers (Processors and/or Sub-processors) and POMPEU have signed the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the Commission, the content of which can be consulted at the following link: https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=DOUE-L-2021-80739.
- Data protection rights.
All those who have interacted with or provided POMPEU with personal data may request or exercise the following rights:
- Right of Access: Consisting of the right to obtain information about the data concerning the data subject and which are subject to processing.
- Right of Rectification: Consists of the right to respect the accuracy of the data, to correct or update them.
- Right of Deletion ("to be forgotten"): The right to request the deletion of the data and for them not to be processed, if the requirements are met.
- Right of Opposition: Right to oppose the processing of data.
- Right of Limitation of Processing: Right to limit access to processed data.
- Right of Portability: Right to have the data provided to the data subject or to a third party for processing.
- Right not to be subject to automated individualized decisions: This right is intended to ensure that you are not subject to a decision based solely on the processing of your data, including profiling, that produces legal effects on you or significantly affects you in a similar way.
- Right to revoke consent: The right to withdraw previously granted consent.
To exercise the rights mentioned in this section, you may contact, with proof of your identity (for which we recommend you provide a copy of your identity document), the Data Protection Officer of POMPEU, by e-mail to: [email protected]
In any case, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority in this matter, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, by writing to the same, C/ Jorge Juan, number 6, 28001 - Madrid or through the web: https://www.agpd.es, and/or the Catalan Data Protection Authority (Barcelona).
- Cookies Policy.
POMPEU, on its website uses "cookies" to collect information about how our users interact with it. We invite you to obtain more detailed information on how we use these cookies in our Cookies Policy.
- Other issues.
- Security. POMPEU has implemented effective technical and organizational security measures to prevent and mitigate damage to personal data.
- Confidentiality. The personal data provided to POMPEU will be treated with confidentiality, committing ourselves to keep the proper secrecy regarding them.
- Responsibility. The user guarantees that the data provided are true, accurate, complete and updated, being responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that may be caused as a result of a breach of this obligation. In the event that the user provides data of third parties, he/she declares to have the consent of the same and undertakes to transfer the information contained in this policy, exempting POMPEU from any liability in this regard.
- Updating of the Privacy Policy. All changes, modifications or amendments that we introduce in our Privacy Policy will be published on this page.